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Bearsden Cross Church - Organisations

Kirk Session Committees
  • Pastoral Group
  • Worship
  • Christian Nurture
  • Local Mission
  • World Mission and Service
  • Mission Partner
  • Publications and Publicity
  • Social Functions
  • Eco-Group
  • Safeguarding Committee
  • Archive
Congregational Board
Poitiers twinning
Association of Bearsden Churches
Christian Aid
Scottish Bible Society
Mission Partner
Church Organisations
  • Choir
  • Transport to Church
  • Prayer List & Prayer Group
  • Bible Study Groups
  • Coffee After Church
  • Guild
  • Knitting & Sewing Circle
  • Childrens Activities
  • Phoenix Circle
  • WAGs
  • Saturday Night Club
  • Sunday Night Community
  • Bearsden Players
  • Bearsden Literary Society
  • Bearsden Rocks
  • Monday Club
  • The Way Ahead Group
  • The Forum
  • Walking Club
Lodging House Mission
Glasgow City Mission
Uniformed Organisations
  • Girls' Brigade
  • Boys' Brigade
  • Girlguiding
  • Scouting

Kirk Session Committees

Pastoral Group

The Pastoral Group support the Minister in visiting the elderly and housebound.
Secretary: Vacant


Works with Minister to organise 'special' and 'one-off' services. and promote participation in Worship. In consultation with the Organist, to encourage and develop the use of music and praise to enhance Christian worship, culture and faith.
Convener: The Minister

Christian Nurture

To encourage the spiritual development of the congregation, e.g. by encouraging Bible Study, Prayer, and Adult Christian Education.
Convener: The Minister

Local Mission

To seek to reach out to the Parish, inviting involvement with the Church.
Convener: Wendy Owler

World Mission and Service

To promote to the congregation activities that support world mission and serve the needs of the Third World through Christian Aid, the Scottish Bible Society, congregational twinning and other activities.
Convener: Katie Thomson

Mission Partner

Our Church of Scotland Mission partner is Kenny Roger, who is based in the Holy Land.
Contact: Lesley Shaw

Publications and Publicity

To oversee the production and distribution of the monthly magazine, the Year Book, and this Website. Also publicity organised on behalf of the congregation including the notice-boards and articles in the local press.
Convener: Neil Wilson
Magazine Editor: Peter Grant
Magazine Distribution: Lana Macdonald
Life & Work Co-ordinator: Alan Agar
Website: Neil Wilson

Social Functions

To organise a variety of social activities aimed at supporting worship and enhancing fellowship, including Congregational lunches, Lenten lunches, Easter breakfast, Brew'n'Blether, etc.
Convener: Mary Munro


Part of Eco-congregation Scotland, an ecumenical programme to help churches understand environmental issues in the context of their Faith and take Spiritual and practical steps to care for God's creation.
Convener: Jane Hill

Safeguarding Committee

Convener and Safeguarding Officer: The Minister


With the union of the North and South Churches, the new Cross Church Kirk Session appointed an Archivist for each of the former congregations to keep historical documents. Early minute books are held in the National Archives of Scotland, but there are a lot of records of both congregations in the church. However there are gaps which archivists would appreciate help in filling. If anyone is having a clear out and finds anything that might be useful, please get in touch.
North: Allan Struthers
South: Margaret Campbell
Cross: Alistair Henderson

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Congregational Board

The Board is responsible for the maintenance of the Church Buildings and the general administration of the congregational finances. It is made up of the Minister, twelve elders appointed by the Kirk Session and twelve members elected by the congregation at the Stated Annual meeting.

Chairman: The Minister
Clerk: Gordon Aitken
Treasurer: Alison Mackay
Gift Aid Treasurer: Julie Wilson
Freewill Offering Convener: Lesley Shaw
Property Committee Convener: Jim Stewart
Finance Committee Convener: Alison Mackay
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We are establishing a Twinning arrangment with L'Eglise Réformée de Poitiers in France and plan to organise visits/exchanges in the coming months and years.
Contact: Keith Wright or the Minister
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Association of Bearsden Churches

Representatives from the Bearsden Churches of all denominations. The ABC organises various ecumenical events such as 'One World Week ' and Holy Week.
Representatives: The Minister, Alisdair Meldrum.

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Christian Aid


The Churches'charity working with people of all faiths and none, helping them to find their own way out of poverty. Anyone who has ideas or would like to help with fundraising contact the Church Office otherwise see the website.
Representative: Katherine Thomson
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Scottish Bible Society 'The Word for the World' scottish_bible_society

The Since 1809 the SBS have sought to put the Bible into people's hands and hearts. For more than 200 years the Society have helped to make a difference to countless lives the world over - but this has only been possible with generous donations. There is still much work to be done, both in Scotland and overseas. Your continued support will help bring the Bible's wisdom, guidance and revelation to people most in need. see the website.
Contact: Diane Walker
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Church Organisations

Church Choir

Church music is under the general direction of the Organist and Choirmaster. The church choir is open to everyone interested in singing. No experience is necessary as training is given at the weekly choir practices which are held on Thursdays at 7.30p.m. in the church hall. The choir leads the praise and sings an Introit and Anthem at Sunday services. The repertoire is varied, including music from the Renaissance to the present. To find out more then please contact the choirmaster without obligation.

We have a pipe organ in our church building which underwent an extensive renovation completed in 2012. Details of the instrument are recorded on the National Pipe Organ Register follow the links to see the entries. The organ is a TC Lewis organ from 1911 thought to have been originally in Buchleuch Church and was moved to its present location about 1955.

Bible Study Group

We have a regular Bible Study Group to which all are welcome. The group meet usually on Tuesday mornings and the dates and times are in the weekly intimations and monthly magazine. For details see magazine.
Contact: The Minister

Lending Library

A small collection of books on religious topics is displayed most weeks in the Large Hall and members are invited to borrow books and return them the next month. Anyone with suitable books who is willing to donate to the collection is invited to contact Diane Walker or simply hand them in on a Sunday when the books are on display.

Transport to Church

Volunteers are asked to help one Sunday a month, or even be a 'reserve' on a rota to provide transport to church for those that cannot otherwise get to Church. If you are willing to help, or if you need transport, please contact the church office.

Coffee After Church

We continue to supply teas and coffees after morning service most Sundays and will be grateful for any offers of help in serving, clearing up or even washing dish towels. We may not serve on days when there is a Congregational Lunch, Session Conference or similar after-church activity. To offer help, please contact Jane or Diana after any Service. We will again be supporting the Glasgow Lodging House Mission and the Glasgow City Mission. From now on any spare money is going to a fund to provide a roof at the external hall door.

Church Flowers

Flowers are arranged in the church weekly (except during Advent and Christmas) by a team of willing arrangers. After the service the floweres are distributed at the Minsisters direction. Anyone wishing to contribute to the flowers e.g. to mark an Annieversary may sign up in the vestibule. New arrangers are always welcome.
Provision and Arrangement Convener: Gwen Stokes
Secretary & Treasurer: Christine Taggart
Distribution: Barbara Skett, Jo Moody

Childrens & Young People's Activities

Elder for Young People  Miss Lesley Shaw

Cradle Roll: Maureen Meldrum
Creche: Vicky Williams
Funday Sunday & Friday: Children (age 3-P7 inclusive) 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month during service. Fridays of school term 4 - 4:45 pm. 
Leaders: Anne Reid, Lesley Shaw
Bible Class: This is open to all young people at Secondary school. Co-ordinator: Miss Lesley Shaw

A Crèche during Church is arranged for young children.

Messy Church

Messy Church is open for children from age 3 to P7 and uses craft, fun and hospitality to communicate Bible stories. Messy Church runs on a Friday afternoon every 6-7 weeks from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
Contact: Keith Wright

Saturday Night Club

For members of the Bible Class and their friends in Secondary School. Held from September to May on Saturdays at 7.00 - 9 p.m.
Contact: Lesley Shaw

The Guildguild

The Guild is open to both men and women, meeting fortnightly on a Monday afternoon from October to March. Everyone welcome, see the calendar for details.
Secretary: June Macdonald

The Phoenix Circlephoenix

The Phoenix Circle provides fellowship, outreach and education for women of all ages in Bearsden. The group host a variety of talks, outings and events with something of interest to suit all tastes. The meetings take place fortnightly in the Church Hall on a Monday evening at 8 p.m. and run from September to March, see the calendar for details. A very warm welcome is extended to visitors and new members.
Contact: Jo Moody

WAGs ('Working Age Girls')

To enable working age 'girls' within the Church to meet socially and informally on an occasional basis. Do come along to our next event. You will be made most welcome - keep an eye on the intimation sheet for details.
Contact: Heather Hill

TMC ('Too Many Candles')

TMC (Too Many Candles) For ladies who consider they have Too Many Candles on their Birthday cakes to join the WAGs, we meet once a month, usually the last Monday, for chat, fellowship and a bite to eat in a local restaurant. We have an annual outing and theatre trip and contribute to different charities each month via our "collection". Please watch for our notices in Intimations and just turn up. You will be made most welcome.
Contact: Anne Henderson

Knit & Stitch

The Knitting and Sewing Circle is a loosely woven group of knitters - members of the church and friends – who knit at home when it suits them. Blankets and garments are distributed annually to various local hospitals and charities. New knitters are always welcome – if you could manage a few rows on a winter's evening, anything from a square for a blanket to a full garment (any size) will be gratefully received. Yarn, needles and patterns are available from any committee member.
Contact: Jean Wilson

Walking Club

The group meet approximately fortnightly and details of walks, times and so forth are on the notice board in the Church.
Contact: Senga Dempster
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Bearsden & Milngavie Talking Newspaper Association provides, entirely free to listeners, a weekly memory stick of The Milngavie and Bearsden Herald, and a monthly and quarterly magazine. BEAM is a group of volunteers who in teams carry out all of the necessary tasks e.g. reading, recording and copying. We depend on donations and fund raising. Upgrading to digital last year was a great success. The group is always happy to hear from new volunteers and especially happy to hear from anyone who would like to receive the weekly recording.
Contact: Alisdair Meldrum
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Mind that Song

‘Mind that Song’ is run in conjunction with Alzheimer Scotland and uses music  and song and hospitality to provide a supportive environment for those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia and also for those who care for them. It meets in our Large Hall 2pm, usually on the second Friday of each month - see the Calendar for dates.
Contact Anne O'Donnell (Alzheimer Scotland)

Monday Club

Formerly known as the Ecumenical Housebound Club this group is for elderly persons, not necessarily confined indoors, and meets throughout the year on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Baptist Church on Roman Road. Helpers from several local Churches provide car transport where needed, entertainment and tea is provided in a friendly atmosphere. For more information or to offer assistance contact through the Church Office.

The Way Ahead Group - A Stroke Club for Bearsden

Members meet every Thursday in Killermont from 1.15 - 3.45 p.m. New volunteer drivers and helpers, who are only 'on-duty' one Thursday in the month, are alway welcome. For more information see here.

Lodging House Mission 'Where there's light there's hope.' lodging_house_mission

Established in 1907, The Lodging House Mission is a joint project of Glasgow Presbytery and the Church of Scotland to help meet the needs of the many single men and women living in Glasgow's lodging houses. It offers hospitality, food, pastoral care and worship with a minister available throughout the week. It helps with housing benefit and other social issues and also offers a variety of educational and recreational activities providing a focus for learning and friendship. Meal vouchers at £1.10 are available from the Church Office or Barbara Skett and can be exchanged for a full cooked breakfast or three course lunch. A clothes service is also provided and any unwanted clothes may be left in the Assembly area for collection. We support the various seasonal appeals such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. 
For details see the website.
Contact: Barbara Skett
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Glasgow City Mission

Glasgow City Mission helps the most disadvantaged people of Glasgow, initially through its evening drop-in, where a free meal is served, and a wide range of daytime activities. Its project workers offer advice and support clients on issues such as housing, finance, job-seeking, health and rehabilitation. GCM runs a food bank, a winter night shelter for people living rough and also a children's nursery and family centre in Govan. It is firmly believed that only God can turn lives around and is grateful not just for donations or volunteering help but especially for prayer. This church tries to give all three.
Contact:  Katie Thomson

Uniformed Organisations


The Boys' Brigade - 1st Bearsden Company

Jointly with neighbouring churches. For details see the website.

The Girls' Brigade - 98th Glasgow Companygb_logo

Jointly with neighbouring churches. The company is part of the Glasgow North West Division and for their details use the Company Finder.

Girlguiding 'Girls in the Lead'girl_guiding

Various units for girls meet in the Guide hall in Pendicle Road and in other school and Guide Halls in the area.


24th Glasgow (Bearsden) Scouts have groups meeting in the local schools and the local Scout Halls. For current contact details use the search section of ScoutBase.

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