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Bearsden Cross Church - Events & News

Events & News for your diary

Magazine Cover
Word from the Cross
current edition of the church magazine available.

Note: The best way to get the most up-to-date issue of the magazine is online from the magazine page.

If you are receiving a printed copy of the magazine but are happy to get it online then please let us know that a printed version is not needed. You can do this by e-mail: Alternatively, if you'd prefer to revert to a paper version get in touch.

We endeavour to deliver paper copies to those who prefer not to get it online.


An Audio recording of our regular Sunday morning services is available by email, please send an email to to request to join this mailing.

We can provide the recording on a USB memory stick, please contact the Church Secretary at or the Minister on 0141 942 0507.

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter we are @BearsdenCrossCh

Bible Basics

Bible Basics

We will be ’Exploring the Old Testament’ in the coming months. ‘Bible Basics’ is intended to be a fairly gentle and non-threatening entry into Bible Study and is aimed at those curious to find out some of the basic stories and themes of the Bible. ‘Bible Basics’ will take place on Tuesday mornings at 10.30am in the Guild Room and will last around 60 – 90 minutes. All of the relevant materials will be provided.

 Tuesday March 4th The 'Torah' - 5. Deuteronomy
 Tuesday March 18th 'History' - 1. Moses to David
 Tuesday April 1st 'History' - 2. David to Exile
 Tuesday April 15th 'History' - 3. Exile to Restoration

Coffee Concert March 15thCoffee Concert

We are absolutely delighted to welcome back Alasdair Young for a morning Coffee Concert recital on Saturday, 15th March. His concerts are always deeply satisfying and hugely enjoyable.

His chosen programme of works by Bach, Mozart, Schubert and Chopin is a varied selection from the classical and romantic periods and concludes with the heaven-storming ‘Heroic’ Polonaise by Chopin.

As usual, the recital will take place in the church at 11.30 am, preceded from 10.45 am by fresh coffee, tea and home baking in the small hall.

Tickets, priced £12, will be available at the door – cash only please. Tickets for children, accompanied by an adult, are free.

This will be one of the highlights of the season – do come if you can for what will be a most enjoyable Saturday morning.

For More on the services together with other events see below, also viewable as a calendar or check out the current issue of our parish magazine.